Friday, March 11, 2011

So long Sister Cities...but not Farewell

By the time you read this, I will be gone. But hopefully, not forgetten.

Friday, March 11 is my last day as the chief executive of Sister Cities International. It has been a incredible four years leading this global network of communities. I have enjoyed a personal international education along the way and I will not forget the people who make this network so incredible and relevent.

Over the next few weeks and months I will re-invent my blog in my new role as the Executive Director of the UN Association of the USA which is a program of the UN Foundation. In the meantime, you can continue to follow SCI on Twitter (@sistercityintl) and Facebook.

Instead of re-inventing my reflections about my tenure in a final post, I will share my remarks to the SCI members from the Annual Business Meeting on the last day of the conference.

"...As a closing footnote to my formal report as most of you know I will be leaving SCI in a few weeks to join the UN Association of the USA, a program of the UN Foundation.

I feel fortunate to have enjoyed this time, and to serve you and the sister cities mission. The idea of connecting communities and individuals is not just a noble one, but a vital one.

You follow in the footsteps of citizens, really generations of citizens, who believed and witnessed how one handshake and one relationship can make a difference.

Our network is ripe with opportunity. Its limitations are only bound by your imagination and of course, resources. I challenge you to leave this conference with a renewed commitment to invigorate your local sister city program.

These are efforts that cannot be done in Washington, DC – they are done locally. Putting on the same program or exchange every year is easy. Change is hard. Inventing, creating, imagining is difficult. But I have seen the strength and passion you bring to this work, and I have no doubt it is possible.

I wish each of you well on your sister cities endeavors. I will take all of these experiences and inspiring stories with me. Thank you for sharing sister cities with me. These are memories and friendships I will hold onto.

Thank you Mr. Chairman, this concludes my report."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sister Cities Launches Africa Documentary - Spread the Word

One of the great highlights of the 55th Annual Conference was the premiere of our Africa documentary, which highlights the work of the sister cities network and in particular, the African Urban Poverty Alleviation Program.

LA-based filmmaker Matthew Bardocz of Filmcz put together a four-part documentary, which is the first half of a larger documentary which will be completed late in 2011.

Each Thursday a new episode has been released on SCI's YouTube channel. Tune in next Thursday (3/17) for the final edition.

Help create a buzz. Pass the word on. Email, tweet, blog, and honk the news about this documentary.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What A Conference! SCI Celebrates 55 Years

On Saturday, March 5, Sister Cities International closed the 55th annual conference in Arlington, VA with more than 300 members from nearly 20 countries in attendance.

The anniversary celebration opened on Thursday with a Hill Day and included presentations from Senator Richard Durbin (IL) and Representative Mike Honda (CA). In the afternoon, attendees traveled to the Department of State for region and country breifings. Reta Jo Lewis, Special Representative for Global Intergovernmental Affairs was our host and made a keynote presentation about her work connecting local and state municipalities from the U.S. with other local governments around the world. In a short period the Department of State has established solid ties at the subnational level in China, South Africa, and Brazil among others. Maura Pally from the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs discussed some of the department's recent work with youth, exchange alumni, and Muslim-majority countries. Our Sister Cities conference was featured in the State Department's blog - DipNote - the following week. The day closed with a reception in the Benjamin Franklin Dining Room and Diplomatic Reception Rooms. Great views!
Friday and Saturday were filled with workshops on social media, protocol, Africa, and fundraising, as well as conversations about the future of citizen diplomacy. We closed the event by tipping our hats to the best programs for 2010 at the Lou Wozar Annual Awards Luncheon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

President of China Hails Sister Cities and the Importance of Exchanges

I'm pleased to report President Hu made reference to the importance of sister cities in the growing relations between China and the U.S. His reference also stresses the importance of all types of people-to-people exchanges. Read at his quote from the joint press conference yesterday with President Obama (who is also the Honorary Chairman of Sister Cities International).

PRESIDENT HU: "...I think that the exchanges between our two peoples represent the basis and the driving force behind the growth of our relationship. Ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, we have seen more robust exchanges between our two peoples. And such exchanges have also helped promote the steady growth of our relationship.

The statistics I have show that each year we have about 3 million people traveling between our two countries. In other words, on every single day, about 7,000 to 8,000 will be traveling between China and the United States. This is something hardly conceivable 32 years ago when we first established diplomatic ties.

In addition, we have also seen very broad-ranging development of the exchanges at sub-national level. So far, our two countries have already established sister relationships between 36 provinces and states, and we have also developed 161 pairs of sister cities between our two countries.

The Chinese government is supportive of the friendly exchanges between our two peoples, and we have been creating all kinds of conditions to expand the friendly exchanges between the American and the Chinese peoples.

During this visit, President Obama and I reached an agreement that both sides will take positive steps to further increase the people-to-people exchanges. On one hand, we will encourage the young people in our two countries to go to each other’s countries to pursue further education and to learn more about each other. And at the same time, we have also decided to put in place dialogue and exchange mechanisms between different Chinese and American provinces and states.

Besides, we are also going to further expand cultural exchanges and develop tourism. We are going to use a variety of means to further increase people-to-people exchanges.

I would like to particularly stress here that the young people hold the future of this relationship. It is extremely important to increase the exchanges between the young people in our two countries. Through such exchanges, I hope that our friendship can be furthered. And I also hope that they in the future can serve as ambassadors of goodwill for our two countries, and they can make even more positive contribution to the development of a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit."

Read the full press conference transcript.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 Days Left to Help Sister Cities

You have just two days left in 2010 to make your charitable contribution to Sister Cities International. I hope you’ll help us reach our fundraising goal with a year-end gift. We want to go into our 55th Anniversary year with a positive energy. What were some of our accomplishments in 2010…

Convenings - an inspiring Conference in New Mexico brought together more than 400 sister city leaders from around the U.S. and the globe as well as online workshops and learning sessions throughout the year.

Africa Urban Poverty Alleviation Program – a program where we are making a difference in 24 African cities in 13 countries with water, health, and sanitation interventions.

Youth and Education – a robust set of gatherings (in-person and virtual!) to foster the next generation of citizen diplomats.

Advocacy – a voice for our network on Capitol Hill, at the Department of State, and with other pivotal Washington institutions.

Here’s how you can help today with a gift. It's as easy as 1, 2, or 3!

1> Visit and fill-in our online giving form. With a credit card in hand, this will take you about 45 seconds. (Timing may vary depending on how quick your hunt and peck typing may be!) I would suggest a $150 donation.

2> Donate using your mobile phone! Text SCI to 85944 and a one-time donation of $10 will be billed to your mobile phone bill. Messaging & data rates may apply. Donations are collected for Sister Cities International by (Reply STOP to 85944 to stop. Reply HELP to 85944 for help. For terms, see

3> Write a check to Sister Cities International and mail it to Attn: Development Dept,1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004.

If you’ve already made a donation, pass this along to your friends, family, and colleagues!

Thank you and here’s to a terrific 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From Eisenhower to Obama: Citizen Diplomacy Marches On (Part 2)

A few posts ago I mentioned the U.S. Summit on Global Citizen Diplomacy. This was the second convening of citizen diplomacy leaders since President Eisenhower's initial call to action in 1956.

Summit produced a range of materials, breifings, and presentations on Faith-based groups, the role of the private sector, how state governments are engaging in citizen diplomacy, the health field, youth and education, and much more. There are some terrific examples within these publications. You may also be interested in the Summit's final report, which calls for a 10-year initiative to engage more U.S. citizens in our work.

I was pleased to to-chair a Task Force on Community-based Organizations with Sherry Mueller, the President of the National Council for International Visitors. We were asked to seek out some of the best programs in the community-based citizen diplomacy sector. After a competitive application process, the task force selected 10 programs to showcase:

These programs are featured in a summit summary for our task force. Read about these stellar programs. Congratulations to these programs and the many others which were commendable but didn't happen to make the final selection.

Also, I want to add my appreciation to the supporters of this event, most importantly the U.S. Department of State's Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and major corporate funders, including Verizon Wireless, Townsend Vision, American Express, The Coca-Cola Company, Visa, and the many others.

It took 54 years between the first summit and this one, when will the next one be?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Text SCI to 85944 to Give $10 Today!

'Tis the Season to reflect on all of those wonderful sister city memories you've have this past year and help us continue our work into 2011.

Sister Cities International has a new way for you to support our work toward world peace. You can now donate using your mobile phone! Text SCI to 85944 and a one-time donation of $10 will be billed to your mobile phone bill. Messaging & data rates may apply. Donations are collected for Sister Cities International by

(Reply STOP to 85944 to stop. Reply HELP to 85944 for help. For terms, see