Guest Blogger: Jim Doumas, Executive Vice President, Sister Cities International
I write today at the conclusion of the fourth session of the UN Habitat's World Urban Forum (WUF 4) in Nanjing, China. The theme of the forum was “Harmonious Urbanization” and how to integrate social, economic and environmental sustainable development into urban planning. If WUF 4 did nothing else, it ce
rtainly reinforced the fact that the world is at a tipping point particularly as it comes to the environment. Rapid urbanization is exacerbating a carbon gas crisis that threatens our very near future. The climate catastrophes that we have been reading about are no longer in the “future” but rather in our immediate future if we do not find a way to answer key issues associated with rapid urbanization. This coupled with the issues of poverty, homelessness and other negatives associated with rapid urbanization were the fodder assigned to the delegate discussions.
WUF 4 was attended by representatives from every country in the world which demonstrates the issue’s importance as a global crisis. Also, the eco-environment protection theme was accentuated in Nanjing as each day the air pollution of the city suffocated the delegates on our way to and from the forum. China has almost half its population (nearly 590 million people) living in urban communities and estimates suggest that this number will continue to increase by 10 million a year as we proceed deeper into the 21st century. Large population drifts from rural to urban areas are occurring everywhere on the planet and in many instances quality of life is not necessarily improving. In Uganda, Africa, for example, urbanization has not led to the end of poverty. Issues regarding homelessness and the lack of adequate land use are exacerbating the population surge.
Representing Sister Cities International, I had the opportunity to discuss our community in two seminar presentations. The first was a discussion on the importance of and how to engage private citizens in urban sustainable development with Duane Kissick from AECOM International, as well as an overview of the upcoming Global Mayors Forum in China next fall. The second presentation was a panel discussion regarding comprehensive planning on urban development with the International Centre for Sustainable Cities of Canada and the International Mayors Communication Centre of China.
How can Sister Cities International become more a part of the solution? In every session I attended as well as the two sessions that I presented in, there were many solutions discussed ranging from the need to implement broad sweeping social justice changes to existing laws, to technological and sustainable development programs that ensure adequate protection of our earth’s eco-system. Regardless of the idea discussed, in each case, the underlying theme for successful completion of a solution required the unilateral support of entire communities, governments, businesses, local nongovernmental organizations, and grassroots leaders.
Sister Cities International and its grassroots network are uniquely positioned to bring all of these players to the table. Our community has also proven, through the existence of successful sustainable development projects, a proven track record. Our conduit for peace, mutual respect, and understanding is an important piece of the puzzle as a change generator for urban sustainable development.
At a world forum focused on quality of life issues and our planet’s survival over the next decade, it was a pleasure to introduce and highlight our community to attendees as a viable source to facilitate many of the ideas that were brought to the table.
I write today at the conclusion of the fourth session of the UN Habitat's World Urban Forum (WUF 4) in Nanjing, China. The theme of the forum was “Harmonious Urbanization” and how to integrate social, economic and environmental sustainable development into urban planning. If WUF 4 did nothing else, it ce

WUF 4 was attended by representatives from every country in the world which demonstrates the issue’s importance as a global crisis. Also, the eco-environment protection theme was accentuated in Nanjing as each day the air pollution of the city suffocated the delegates on our way to and from the forum. China has almost half its population (nearly 590 million people) living in urban communities and estimates suggest that this number will continue to increase by 10 million a year as we proceed deeper into the 21st century. Large population drifts from rural to urban areas are occurring everywhere on the planet and in many instances quality of life is not necessarily improving. In Uganda, Africa, for example, urbanization has not led to the end of poverty. Issues regarding homelessness and the lack of adequate land use are exacerbating the population surge.
Representing Sister Cities International, I had the opportunity to discuss our community in two seminar presentations. The first was a discussion on the importance of and how to engage private citizens in urban sustainable development with Duane Kissick from AECOM International, as well as an overview of the upcoming Global Mayors Forum in China next fall. The second presentation was a panel discussion regarding comprehensive planning on urban development with the International Centre for Sustainable Cities of Canada and the International Mayors Communication Centre of China.
How can Sister Cities International become more a part of the solution? In every session I attended as well as the two sessions that I presented in, there were many solutions discussed ranging from the need to implement broad sweeping social justice changes to existing laws, to technological and sustainable development programs that ensure adequate protection of our earth’s eco-system. Regardless of the idea discussed, in each case, the underlying theme for successful completion of a solution required the unilateral support of entire communities, governments, businesses, local nongovernmental organizations, and grassroots leaders.
Sister Cities International and its grassroots network are uniquely positioned to bring all of these players to the table. Our community has also proven, through the existence of successful sustainable development projects, a proven track record. Our conduit for peace, mutual respect, and understanding is an important piece of the puzzle as a change generator for urban sustainable development.
At a world forum focused on quality of life issues and our planet’s survival over the next decade, it was a pleasure to introduce and highlight our community to attendees as a viable source to facilitate many of the ideas that were brought to the table.
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